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영어회화 스터디

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작성자 Khandunia 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일14-10-12 23:36 조회5,434회 댓글3건
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The global success of driver service app Uber has caused a backlash amongst taxi drivers and transport unions.Uber
The popular app Uber is causing protest, discontent and controversy amongst taxi drivers around the world for not being properly regulated.
The California-based company, that counts Google and Goldman Sachs amongst its investors, allows users to order private cabs and find ride-shares through its smartphone app.
Uber first launched in 2009 and now operates in more than 70 cities around the world, including London and Manchester, where it officially launched this week.
London protests planned
Taxi drivers in London have complained that the app's ability to calculate fares is illegal, as it is against the law for private vehicles to have taximeters.
The Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA) now plans to protest Transport for London's lack of intervention in the matter by holding a protest in London next month.
"Transport for London not enforcing the Private Hire Vehicles Act is dangerous for Londoners," Steve McNamara, LTDA's general secretary, told the BBC.
"I anticipate that the demonstration against TfL's handling of Uber will attract many many thousands of cabs and cause severe chaos, congestion and confusion across the metropolis."
McNamara referred to Uber as "an American monster that has no qualms about breaching any and all laws in the pursuit of profit", a characterisation that was rejected by a spokesperson for Uber.
Backlash abroad
Taxi associations in Europe, the United States and Australia have expressed similar discontent with Uber, in some cases resulting in heavy fines for users of the app.
Berlin, Brussels and French taxi operators have all been making a public stand against Uber driverswho pick up customers without the necessary licenses.
The Victorian government in Australia has begun issuing $1,700 (£1,000) fines to ride-sharingdrivers for not being correctly licensed. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, a representative of Victoria's Taxi Services Commission revealed that "well over" 30 fines had already been issued.
A protest was held in Cincinnati yesterday by cab drivers demanding the City Council to either regulate or ban Uber.
"If they aren't regulated, they must go," Mahmoud Alwawi, manager of Ohio Taxi, told a local news site. "It's not fair."
1. When was uber launched in Indonesia?
2. What do you know about Uber service and have you tried to use it? If you haven’t , have you tried any other taxi application?
3. How do you see Uber launched in Jakarta? Do you think it will fail in Jakarta? If it won’t, what’s the reason?
4. What is Pros and Cons about Uber ?
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또한 중상 분들 위주로 스터디를 진행할 예정입니다.
(토익 800~900대)

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